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miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

How to choose a topic: Brainstorming

Brainstorming can be useful for a lot of things such a writting a book, choosing a topic for an article or a theme party, and also for choosing what trip you would like to do for example.
There are three tipes of brainstorming: making a list, mapping and freewritting.
 When you make a list you just write words, sentences that have a conexion whit your topic.
Mapping is another way os brainstorming, you write your topic in the middle of a sheet and you start to write ideas around it inside of circles.
And the last one is freewriting, in my opinion the easiest one, because here you write whatever comes into your mind no matter if you have mistakes because you can cross it out.


Hello everybody, my name is Paula. I'm a philology student of the university of Murcia. In this blog i am going to write all my practical exercises for my essay class. I don't know exactly how to do these things but this is a good way to start, talking about myself.

I'm 20 years old,writting may not be my favourite subjet but i'll try to do my best.